Sunday, November 15, 2009

If You Aren't Outraged, Then Someone Other Than Bush Must Have Done It

A few days late but thought it worth discussing. The Obama Administration Justice Department seized assets from several Islamic mosques inside the United States last week. It received what I would call "responsible reporting" (log it!) from the MSM. Read this article from the Baltimore Sun and see if you agree. Balanced reporting, explains the degree to which the government excluded the activities of the attendees of these mosques so as not to impede their First Amendment rights and to only seize the assets associated with those mosques (and other income earning real estate) where they had evidence (via phone taps, and other "Constitution-trampling activities" of the Bush Administration's Patriot Act) that it was supporting the Iranian government's ties to terrorist activities. FBI agents had even been videotaped going through dumpsters outside of various mosques, yet there was no public outrage, fueled by righteous indignation reporting and claims of trampling the Constitution (except in Democracy Today--but even there, they were uncharacteristically reserved in their "outrage"). Perhaps it's because, like so much else where the MSM has gone milquetoast on us, The One declared that he would NEVER do such "expedient" acts in the name of national security. Therefore, this is clearly beyond critical review:


  1. By the way, I do not disagree with the actions the Administration took here, nor do I criticize their means of gathering information to have uncovered the links to Iran. But then I wasn't the one bitching under the prior Administration's actions either. Just shining a light on the "principled" outrage of the left during similar acts in the name of national security.

  2. Tom de PlumeNovember 16, 2009

    You bring up a reason why it is so easy to criticize Barry O.

    He screws up on a regular basis. The bow to the emperor, failure to attend the Wall anniversary, or excusing the Islamic terrorist at Fort Hood are three recent examples.

    When he does something correct, like the mosque seizures, he uses tactics that would have gotten his predecessor crucified by the left.

  3. A stopped clock is right twice a day.
