Thursday, December 30, 2010

Nap Time

Bagheera and I take our naps very, very seriously.


"The Hammer" said...

Bagheera? Bagheera!?
My cat's name is Fergal and yours is named Bagheera?
I think that pretty much sums up the differences between Rednecks and Yankees, Jaguars and Chevy pickups, officers and enlisted, lowly land grant NCSU and Thomas Jefferson's grand exalted University of Virginia.
Bagheera? Jesus H. Christ.

Goldwater's Ghost said...

Please say that those are a pair of women's panties covering your forehead...

The Conservative Wahoo said...

Fergal? This is a cat name?

"The Hammer" said...

Yeah Fergal. It's Irish. You know, the wife is Irish. Duh!

And GG, no those aren't women's panties (actually this ground has already been plowed, no pun intended). Those are the Elton John Signature Series eye thingamajiggies, for blocking out the sun for when you're sleeping during the daylight hours. Women's panties they ain't; quite the contrary.

BigFred said...

I am glad to see that the cat is on top of the covers, as it is not clear whether you are wearing pants or not.

Lady Gaga said...

The site has changed a bit since the repeal of don't ask don't tell.

Thorn said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this exchange.

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