A good friend of mine is a huge Rubio backer, and when I pressed him on the whole experience thing and specifically pointed to the disaster of the Obama Administration, he made the following case: "You think the Obama Administration is a disaster because of his inexperience? The Obama Administration is a disaster because of its POLICIES! You may think he is inexperienced, but what has that held him back from accomplishing? He's gotten most everything he's wanted to do, done--and the truth is, you (me) hate it all."
I've got a lot of thinking to do, and I've been watching virtually every speech given by a both of those men. I've also taken to watching Carly Fiorina speak, as to this point, no one in the field is better before an audience.
We've got some work to do folks, wading through this field chaff to get to the wheat. But don't let me hear any of you complaining about "all politicians are alike", or "it doesn't matter who runs". This field of Republicans is incredibly diverse in terms of experience and ideas, and if you can't find someone in this field close to your leanings, than you probably ought not be a Republican.
I think there is a good argument that Obama is a poor executive, because he lacks experience as one.
I think Obama is a poor executive because he simply doesn't care about being a good one . . . golf anyone?
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