Thursday, February 26, 2009

Will We Shoot It Down?

North Korea is planning the launch of a "satellite", which many believe is simply a clever ruse for launching/testing a ballistic missile (which according to UN resolutions, they are not permitted).

ADM Tim Keating, our Pacific Commander, lets the media know that we're prepared to shoot it down, if it looks to be something other than a satellite. I find it hard to believe he would do such a thing without the express consent of the Secretary of Defense--who would have consulted with the National Security Adviser on the matter.

So--we are either prepared to shoot it down, or we would like the North Koreans to think that we are prepared to shoot it down. Either way, I think it is a good sign from the young Obama Administration--it's always easier to ease up on the reins than it is to tighten up on them. The North Koreans need to know that Obama's not a pushover, and I think this is the start of that campaign.

What I'd really like to see is the Japanese shoot it down as part of a cooperative missile defense architecture. That would send nice message to others in the Far East (China, NK) that the Japanese aren't to be trifled with.

By the way--the very fact that President Obama's Pacific Commander can confidently claim to be able to shoot this missile down is a credit to the vision of President Reagan and the persistence of President Bush. President Clinton didn't kill missile defense, but he sure did slow it. One hopes President Obama moves from his current lukewarm support.


  1. Why not attack first with the USAF "Ring of Steel" for which we pay so handsomely?

    From Obama's Audacity of Hope:
    "I would also argue that we have the right to take unilateral military action to eliminate an imminent threat to our security -- so long as an imminent threat is understood to be a nation, group, or individual that is actively preparing to strike U.S. targets (or allies with which the United States has mutual defense agreements), and has or will have the means to do so in the immediate future."

    Hit it on the ground, before it launches. That would be "Change" I could believe in.

  2. Ah yes....Attack Operations....that wonderful pillar of Missile Defense of which you and I were so....supportive....

  3. I was wondering how in the H attack ops got included in Air and Missile Defense. I fought that tooth and nail but the damage had already been done before I got there. Now I know it was you and Dan who helped it nestle into tie AMD nest, much as a cowbird nestles into a robin's nest. Seriously, I knew of Dan's non-support for it. Glad to hear you were like-minded. Still, they got it in there...gotta give those cowbirds credit.

  4. You have no idea....drove Dan and me batty....
