Sunday, January 10, 2010

Harry Reid and the "...light skinned ..." African American with " Negro dialect..."

Ah, sweet irony, sweet beautiful irony. I love watching Harry Reid squirm at the inconvenience of his Trent Lott-like comments....and in the ridiculous way that he's sucking up to the President and unidentified "civil rights leaders" and African American Members of Congress...

But wait....from the article, here's what Joe Biden said on the campaign trail...."I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

And HE had to apologize for that.

The delicious part of all of this is, that while inarticulate and based on outdated language, both Reid and Biden WERE RIGHT. Barack Obama was acceptable to huge portions of the American public as a "gateway drug African American President" specifically BECAUSE he DID NOT represent the image of the modern African American experience that any one of us can watch on MTV. Aside from that, he also does not represent the image posed by some of the more colorful members of the Congressional Black Caucus. He's a well educated, well-spoken left of center Democrat who is married to the mother of his children. But the mere mention of these abidingly positive, abidingly American practices and values--brings up the specter of racism.

UPDATE: Michael Steele is wrong, and he still must go.


  1. Any readers here from Nevada who can shed some light on why your fellow residents elected this buffoon?

    I've actually had this question for some time so please don't mistake my assessment of him as a response to his Biden-like remarks. I really couldn't care less about his factual assessment of the President (although I do share CW's bliss at watching this piece of offal stew in his own juices).

  2. Mudge,it was MONEY. He almost lost last time but they threw in tons of last minute cash (Soros?) and he squeeked by. I don't think he'll be so lucky this time.

  3. CW - I agree that Steele should probably step down, but why do you feel he is wrong? I think he was calling out the obvious double standard in play, and he should know. Why is it that Reid called every prominent black democrat and his mother to apologize, yet couldn't afford the same courtesy to Steele himself, arguably one of the most well known african americans in republican politics? I think that's even more offensive, don't you?

  4. What exactly was right about it? Are you saying the Reid should step down? I don't think so--but then again, I didn't think Trent Lott should have stepped down. I think that was an over-reaction and I think this whole thing is ridiculous. Should we be offended that he didn't call our black guy? C'mon. I think we'd ALL be a lot better off if we really tried hard to understand that there is no natural, civil, or legislated right NOT TO BE OFFENDED.

  5. I think, rightfully, Steele pointed out that if the Lott incident and resulting Democrat Kabuki was the standard set, then yes Reid should go.

    My point about the telephone call to Steele was more about the political expediency of the apology rather than its sincerity. He said it over a year and a half ago, and it didn't seem to phase him then.

    It is all quite ridiculous, especially since Steele is now being called to the carpet for saying "honest injun".

  6. E. P. DermisJanuary 10, 2010

    Red skin, black skin, brown skin, white about a little thick skin?

  7. Rabbi Dick SchnipperJanuary 10, 2010

    Glad you didn't stop at four "skins".

  8. Please stop.

  9. Well no matter how you look at this bruhaha, it is no skin off my nose.
