Sunday, January 10, 2010

David Broder, Patron Saint of Idiot Pols

Shortly after the Skivvy Bomber's failed attempt to kill 200 people elicited Janet Napolitano's famous, "the system worked" comment, David Broder penned a glowing hagiography of her in the Post.

This week, Senator Chris Dodd receives Broder's praise as "...a straight shooter."

I loved this line: "Like his friend Ted Kennedy, Dodd enjoyed good whiskey and the company of pretty women, but his uptown tastes never compromised his allegiance to the working stiffs' Democratic Party in which he was raised."

Next up: Broder to defend William Jefferson as an innovative banker.


  1. He's really not worth reading. If it wasn't for his Watergate columns they'd have pensioned him off years ago. A boring, predictable company man. That's why he was chosen to print this BS; he's got no integrity and he's old.
    Have you noticed there seems to be a purge going on. A lot of Senators in trouble are being given "the talk". It looks like Harry Reid got his but is resistant. I don't know but I smell the hand of our resident Mossad agent, Rahm "dead fish" Emanuel.

  2. St. Broder writes:

    "The Obama Cabinet is filled with talents, but many of the stars are of an age or temperament unlikely to turn them into successor candidates. Napolitano will face many substantive tests — not just in terrorism but also in immigration reform — before she is a candidate for anything. But her potential is almost unlimited."

    Decoder ring:

    "talents" = "people who were first alternates to taxcheats"

    "temperament" = "party affiliation" since the only "star" in the entire cabinet is Gates

    "potential" = "hoped for but not yet demonstrated competence"

    "before she is a candidate for anything" = just what he wrote. Unfortunately, she's already our Secretary of Homeland Security. Or is that "nothing" in this Administration?

  3. Check out this 1990 GQ piece to see just how much Dodd and his friend Teddy enjoyed good whiskey and the company of pretty women.

  4. Are you talking about the waitress sandwich GG? Poor girl! Being groped by a couple of drunken middle aged Irish scumbags. Jesus, it doesn't bear thinking about.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Since "her potential is almost unlimited" and in recognition of the precedent set by her boss, can we be safe in the assumption that Ms Napolitano will be an upcoming recipient of the Nobel Prize.
