Monday, January 25, 2010

Thrill Goes Up WaPost Leg

The Washington Post--under the by-line of Anne E. Kornblut and Michael A. Fletcher, deliver unto a waiting and hungry world this morning a hard-hitting and insightful analysis of President Obama's decision making. Ok, well--not really. Instead, what we get is typical BAPF Media (Bought and Paid For) adulation for the intellect and wisdom of our Messiah-cum-President, a man who's steely demeanor and resolve apparently masks a heart of gold. After all, he reads 10 letters a day! From people who are hurting (sniff)! AND HE USES THE INTERWEBS! And he EMAILS! In the comments to the this story on WaPost online, one cheeky reader had the temerity to remind us that Lyndon Johnson was pretty plugged in, too.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't there some subtle racism going on here? They feel the need to always talk about how smart Obama is.

    Sorry, ain't buying it. With Obama I'm constantly reminded of a movie line I once heard..."Like most intellectuals he's intensely stupid".
