Sunday, January 24, 2010

WaPost on VA-5

Last Wednesday night on The Conservative Wahoo Live!, I interviewed Republican candidate for Congress in Virginia's 5th Congressional District, Michael McPadden. McPadden did a good job explaining why he was running, talking about the district and giving us the lay of the land where the election is concerned. Specifically, he discussed the presence of an "establishment" Republican candidate, State Senator Robert Hurt. This article, part of a continuing series of articles in the Washington Post designed to elect Democrats in the Old Dominion--describes the "divided" field on the Republican side of the ledger. The Democrat in the seat now voted for the stimulus, for cap and trade and for health care--stances which are at odds with his constituency.

So what do we get from the Post? We get a column that talks about the division on the right (the immoderate Tea Partiers vs. moderate Mr. Hurt) without EVEN PASSING MENTION OF ANY OF THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES! If the Republican side is divide, you'd never know who Hurt was dividing it with.


  1. I had to stop cold turkey listening to NPR on the way to work about three years ago. I could not stomach the bias. WaPo is so slanted that about all I look at now is the weekend advertisements and the obituaries.

    Print journalism (large) bet the farm on Obama, and to recant now would mean they would have to admit they were wrong. They are not going to.

  2. McPadden proved in the candidates forum Friday night that he has the best grasp on the issues and is best able to motivate the electorate. He also has a good organization and the most support among the grassroots.

    My prediction is that Virgil Goode will realize that at this point, he can best serve the district, the state and the nation by serving as an elder statesman/mentor to the best candidate in the field -- McPadden. He has the fire in the belly that is required today from representaives who will go to Washington to turn this country around.

    You can read and watch a lot of commentary from McPadden at his website,
