Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Washington Post Needs YOU go through Sarah Palin's underwear drawer.

25,000 pages of Palin's emails during her tenure as governor of Alaska will be released tomorrow. Because of course these emails require total perusal by this country's news organizations, the Washington Post is seeking citizen journalists to analyze them. The Post is looking for 100 folks to work in teams to ferret out the most important information contained in the emails.

One can just imagine what they consider the 'most important information.'


  1. I don't recall any similar effort to get through the 2000 page health care bill, or the nearly the same size stimulus...

  2. New York Times as well. Where is the outrage?

  3. I suppose both papers (and apparently much of the rest of the news media) had all that free time and extra resources sitting around NOT covering anything this Administration did or peering as deeply into candidate Obama's secretive background that they had to do something with them.
