Friday, March 9, 2012

It's Friday--Have You Made Your Romney Contribution yet?

Big night, Super Tuesday.  Mitt continues to extend his lead and the nomination looks to be well in hand.  His opponents are both continuing to subsist from the stupidity of the RNC's approach to the primaries, but their time is running out.

I don't think news in the next week will be great, especially in Mississippi and Alabama.  But lots of big primaries come after that, ones in which Mitt will be the heavy favorite.

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  1. Well then we may as well amend the Republican primary process to terminate all other primaries if one of the candidates is ahead in early March. God forbid that the electorate should have the opportunity to continue to examine the candidates and then express their opinion by way of a vote.

  2. I'm not wildly optimistic that it will pan out this way, but Newt and Father Santorum COULD split the vote in MS and AL, and Mitt might squeak through with a victory.
