Monday, February 1, 2010

Paul Volcker On Financial Reform

Paul Volcker is an adult. He and Ronald Reagan tamed inflation and put the economy in a position to grow steadily (with a couple of small recessions) from 1983-2007.

He's got some thoughts on regulating the financial industry, and on their face, they don't necessarily bother me. These thoughts represent the core of the Obama bank reform proposal.

Vindictive tax schemes against banks and bankers just isn't the right way to go. That said, there may be some common sense restraints and regulations that could be implemented to deal with some of the systemic risk on Wall Street.

I think we should give Paul Volcker a good listen--much more of a good listen than we should give his boss.

UPDATE: Someone else thinks Volcker's ideas aren't too bad.


"The Hammer" said...

Read this. Coulter reminds us why we should be highly suspicious of these Newport Yachting Club, short pants with blazer wearing, Ivy League legacy punks. These elitist pricks will be the ruin of us.

If I could name only one disqualification for President, it would be attendance at an Ivy League school (or the Seven Sisters).

Anonymous said...

"short pants with blazer wearing,"

Sounds like a tailgate at UVa.

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