Alabama freshman House Member Parker Griffith is switching to the Republican Party. He's from a conservative district, and he voted against the stimulus.
This is a good sign.
Oh--and he's a Doctor. Some traction will come of this one....
Ghost of Halloween Past
Silver lining to the loss of a Conservative in Democrat's clothing: despite his overwhelming record of voting the GOP line, wingnuts won't like him and will run a very scary "true" Conservative against him, fracturing support. We moonbats can then run a nice Liberal against that mess.
The downside, though, is that his is a critical swing vote that could kill the chance for a filibuster -- oh wait, that was Specter -- this guy will simply continue not to have an impact.
But still, and this goes for switchers on either side, I really think there's something underhanded about a politician who runs on one party and switches to another while incumbent. It's a reminder of the dangers of voting the Party rather than the platforms of each candidate.
The Blue Dogs are just cannon fodder anyway, throw away Congressmen. They were recruited to run in districts the Dems couldn't otherwise win and they are expected to last only a term or two. Their function is to get a temporary majority so as to pass Obama's crazy leftist agenda. It's as simple as that.
The Blog: A compendium of thoughts on politics, world affairs, economics, pop culture and social issues, from the center right perspective of me--Bryan McGrath--a University of Virginia graduate who spent a career in the world's greatest Navy keeping my mouth shut about politics and social issues (ok, publicly keeping it shut). Those days are over! Pull up a chair and chime in where you will. Keep it clean, civil, concise and relevant.
The Fish: The fish is a "coat of arms" for the blog, symbolizing three formative influences in the life of the blog founder. The first is his experience at the University of Virginia--symbolized most importantly by the fish itself, or a caricature of a "Wahoo", the fish we have acquired as an informal nickname. Additionally there is the sword, the sword of a Cavalier. It is not wielded in a threatening manner, as this is a civil blog. But it is there, should it be needed. Thirdly, there is the influence of 21 years in the Navy--symbolized by the anchor on the Wahoo's fin (and again, the sword) . Finally, there is the bowler, tuxedo, and monocle, symbols of a refined, intellectual conservatism, or what I seek to encourage here.
The Policy: I take FULL responsibility for what I write. I will not be held responsible for the content of my comments section--as long as it is civil and passes my own inscrutable sniff tests, it will appear. If the comment offends you, that is on you.
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Silver lining to the loss of a Conservative in Democrat's clothing: despite his overwhelming record of voting the GOP line, wingnuts won't like him and will run a very scary "true" Conservative against him, fracturing support. We moonbats can then run a nice Liberal against that mess.
The downside, though, is that his is a critical swing vote that could kill the chance for a filibuster -- oh wait, that was Specter -- this guy will simply continue not to have an impact.
But still, and this goes for switchers on either side, I really think there's something underhanded about a politician who runs on one party and switches to another while incumbent. It's a reminder of the dangers of voting the Party rather than the platforms of each candidate.
The "Unqualified One" will now probably attewmpt to punish Alabama by closing or moving all military activities within the state.
Not that the Obama administration is vindictive.
The Blue Dogs are just cannon fodder anyway, throw away Congressmen. They were recruited to run in districts the Dems couldn't otherwise win and they are expected to last only a term or two. Their function is to get a temporary majority so as to pass Obama's crazy leftist agenda. It's as simple as that.
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