Sunday, October 18, 2009

Do the women without a crown in this photo look happy?

No, because the woman with the sash and crown is Nikole Churchill, the first white homecoming queen at historically black Hampton University.
Miss Churchill was crowned last week, and since then has received a less-than-friendly reception from her fellow students. Seems that her award was unjust as 'she hasn't had to endure the racial intolerance the rest of them have.' Ergo, she can't adequately represent them.
I'm not sure she handled the situation all that well, as her response was to post a letter to the president asking him to come to HU so fellow students can stop focusing on the color of her skin. A 'teaching moment,' perhaps?
No word yet from Al Sharpton.


Mudge said...

Nice find Sally. In fairness, the young lady on Miss Hampton University's right hand side appears to be quite gracious about a woman of other than historic color winning. The two on her left, however, appear somewhat more challenged in embracing diversity in this context. It's emblematic of life, this right/left separation, no?

"The Hammer" said...

Yeah this story is being universally ignored by the msm. Racism and harassment by blacks? Not a chance. If this where at a traditionally white school the US Attorney would be seating a grand jury to investigate the obvious civil rights violations.

That girl has guts though. Those soul-sisters on the right look fairly pissed.

Anonymous said...

Actually it was a small number of students who thought that way and after reflection, Miss Hampton University admited she overreacted. As the people in blue say, "move along, nothing to see here."

"The Hammer" said...

Well who would know Anonymous, the story hasn't been reported on one way or the other. So I guess that "small number of students" includes those two charming young ladies in the photo Uh?

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