Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bad Morning To Be Rahm Emanuel

The latest little tempest in a teacup here in Washington is the story of Rahm Emanuel's wisdom and the President's inability to recognize it--at least that's what we're getting from the Press. This morning's WaPost has this story, in which several Democratic lawmakers go on the record to say that the Rahminator should have been more closely listened to during the President's first year.

I can imagine the scene in the White House when The One levitates down from the Residence to the Oval this morning. Probably have a copy of the Post opened to that story in his hand, sorta smooth it out on the desk as the Chief of Staff gives him a run-down on what's what. Maybe set a cup of coffee down right next to the paper. "Nice story, Rahm." "Yes Mr. President".

It's hard to imagine a Chief of Staff staying in business very long in an atmosphere in which he is thought of by many to be smarter than the President (if not smarter than his other advisers). That said, President Obama is long on self-confidence and I don't imagine terribly concerned with all this.


"The Hammer" said...

How is this guy there anyway? He had to leave the Clinton White House over security concerns. HE IS A MOSSAD AGENT.
Q. How many countries would allow someone who fought in a foreign army to be at the center of power with all that entails. Think about it. Access to our highest secrets, our strategies etc. All the stuff in the world and he has unfettered access. That's the scandal of the century right there in my opinion. I'd rather have Marcus Wolfe on my ass.

Dan said...

If he's canned, I predict that Rahm puts some inappropriate language on the teleprompter for President O to read (ala Ron Burgundy).

Goldwater's Ghost said...

"When the One levitates down from the Residence to the Oval this morning..."

Heh, good one.

Mudge said...

I really like Dan's idea that a fired Rahm's last act of retribution would be against his boss via the teleprompter. But what would he insert in the TOTUS? Some suggestions:

"I remember, shortly after my birth in Kenya, no, Nigeria, no Indonesia, no Iran, no Saudi Arabia, no, in a manger in Bethlehem.."

"As the great Karl Marx once wrote..."

"Another thing I inherited from the Bush Administration, and I'm doing everything I can to fix it, are the alleged attacks of 9/11..."

"The economic stimulus that I signed last year, is already creating or saving trillions of jobs in all 54 states."

"The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is rebuilding our failing infrastructure. My opponents wanted to do nothing, to let infrastructure crumble. But I said, 'can we really afford to do nothing? What about (increase your emphasis with each one) the Tennesee Dam? The Hoover Dam? The (pound on podium) GAWD DAM? AMERICA (pause--look thoughtful and superior) America cannot afford to wait any longer."

Oh please, oh please, oh please fire Rahm.

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