Thursday, March 4, 2010

Congressman Retiring--Sexual Harassment Alleged

I've written about Congressman Eric Massa here before. I worked with him 18 years ago while both of us were on active duty, and I sent him money for his campaign for the House in 2008--even though he was a Democrat with whom I had little policy agreement. I knew him to be an honest, hard-working guy, and so I sent him a check. We've seen each other in town a couple of time since his election, and he's remained friendly (though a bit pompous--a charge that could have been made against him15 years ago, or against both of us today for that matter....).

He now appears to be in a bit of hot water. Very hot water. I don't think I can honestly say that I would have seen something like this coming.



Goldwater's Ghost said...

Alleged sexual harassment of a male staffer. Oh dear.

"The Hammer" said...

Here's your opportunity to come clean CW.

The Conservative Wahoo said...

My advice to politicians--don't be friends with me.

Sanford: sex scandal
Massa: sex scandal

"The Hammer" said...

How 'bout this?

The NAVY is getting a little wild and crazy. I don't know swabee rank too well but I think this dude is an E-9 Sergeant Major, the Darth Vaders of the military. I'd rather piss off three Lieutenants as opposed to a Sgt. Major. Officers fall all over themselves to smooch these guy's asses, especially junior officers. They got the real power.

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