CW - That's it. I propose moving Sally to top contributing author billing. She's been great these past several months and, well, I've done zip decimal zip. I'd propose Hammer for that billing too but I don't want it to go to his head. Seriously, they have been carrying the load for this blog for a while now and they just keep getting better.
Mudge, you're making me blush down to my lady parts. Hammer's the one that carries the day though, and if he had top billing just think what he might replace that silly fish with!
Thank you all for those kind words. Although it may be true, CW isn't the blogger he used to be ( or the man he used to be by all accounts) he's still our Leader. The man is an experienced commander, and he deserves our loyalty and respect. I'm a XO kinda guy, but in the top spot I'd ruin myself and eerybody else in short order. I'm George Patton to CW's Dwight Eisenhower. You wouldn't want me running things.
Dear Sweet Anon - I didn't mean to make you think i'm trying to steal your man. But I'm just flirting with Hammer, that's all. I'm sure he knows which of us has genuine desires for him. And if you don't think he does, then just quit pretending to play hard to get and come out and let him know how you really feel. It's obvious to everyone anyway. Sure Hammer enjoys the chase, but you are just depriving yourself of quality time with your man. It's even a little, well, pathetic. C'monanon, go for it.
The Blog: A compendium of thoughts on politics, world affairs, economics, pop culture and social issues, from the center right perspective of me--Bryan McGrath--a University of Virginia graduate who spent a career in the world's greatest Navy keeping my mouth shut about politics and social issues (ok, publicly keeping it shut). Those days are over! Pull up a chair and chime in where you will. Keep it clean, civil, concise and relevant.
The Fish: The fish is a "coat of arms" for the blog, symbolizing three formative influences in the life of the blog founder. The first is his experience at the University of Virginia--symbolized most importantly by the fish itself, or a caricature of a "Wahoo", the fish we have acquired as an informal nickname. Additionally there is the sword, the sword of a Cavalier. It is not wielded in a threatening manner, as this is a civil blog. But it is there, should it be needed. Thirdly, there is the influence of 21 years in the Navy--symbolized by the anchor on the Wahoo's fin (and again, the sword) . Finally, there is the bowler, tuxedo, and monocle, symbols of a refined, intellectual conservatism, or what I seek to encourage here.
The Policy: I take FULL responsibility for what I write. I will not be held responsible for the content of my comments section--as long as it is civil and passes my own inscrutable sniff tests, it will appear. If the comment offends you, that is on you.
Follow Me:
On Twitter at ConsWahoo On Facebook at "Fans of The Conservative Wahoo"
CW - That's it. I propose moving Sally to top contributing author billing. She's been great these past several months and, well, I've done zip decimal zip. I'd propose Hammer for that billing too but I don't want it to go to his head. Seriously, they have been carrying the load for this blog for a while now and they just keep getting better.
Mudge, you're making me blush down to my lady parts. Hammer's the one that carries the day though, and if he had top billing just think what he might replace that silly fish with!
Thank you all for those kind words. Although it may be true, CW isn't the blogger he used to be ( or the man he used to be by all accounts) he's still our Leader. The man is an experienced commander, and he deserves our loyalty and respect. I'm a XO kinda guy, but in the top spot I'd ruin myself and eerybody else in short order. I'm George Patton to CW's Dwight Eisenhower. You wouldn't want me running things.
Mudge, quit the boy love for Hammer. It's the same old tired BS over and over again. Sally on the other hand, is refreshing.
Dear Sweet Anon - I didn't mean to make you think i'm trying to steal your man. But I'm just flirting with Hammer, that's all. I'm sure he knows which of us has genuine desires for him. And if you don't think he does, then just quit pretending to play hard to get and come out and let him know how you really feel. It's obvious to everyone anyway. Sure Hammer enjoys the chase, but you are just depriving yourself of quality time with your man. It's even a little, well, pathetic. C'monanon, go for it.
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