Rush Limbaugh, in typically obnoxious Rush Limbaugh fashion, took to the airwaves to call the woman a slut.
Outrage ensued. Democrats are demanding Rush be denounced. And then the President, who apparently has nothing else to do, called Sandra Fluke to show his support of her. And a new liberal hero was born.
Take a moment to look at this picture. Are we really to believe access to birth control is a big issue for this woman?
this is outrageous. You go Rush, do NOT let this administration silence you. WE LOVE YOU USH
The only slut in this conversation is Rush. The Republican party needs to leave the bedroom and focus on economic and national security conservative matters. Ad hominem attacks on this woman are unwarranted. Is Georgetown paying for Viagra for its unmarried men?Moreover, I am disappointed that the Conservative Wahoo has joined with Rush in this matter. You should know better.
Hey Anon--read the post and see that it wasn't written by me.
Hey pal, I'm not supporting Rush, I'm no fan of his at all. If you read the post, I referred to him as 'typically obnoxious.'
But to hail this woman as a hero, as the left is doing today, is ridiculous. She took to a public forum to claim that her birth control should be covered by the government. What exactly about that makes her some kind of hero? And for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to CALL her? Are you kidding me?
What were you trying to get at when you asked if it was believable that she had trouble accessing birth control?
Finally, there is the bowler, tuxedo, and monocle, symbols of a refined, intellectual conservatism, or what I seek to encourage here.
Hey I'm supporting Rush. The woman is a skank by her on admission. If she's having as much sex as she claims then #1 Georgetown Law ain't that hard (no pun intended) and #2 she should have gone to UNC.
And besides, this is a trumped up bullshit issue designed to destract air-headed tarts from the fact they can't get a job (but apparently their boyfriends can).
Hey Everyone - You are missing the point here. This is a women's rights issue. It's a women's HEALTH issue. And therefore it must be funded until even unborn women who haven't yet fallen prey to their mother's "choice" are guaranteed the same rights forever more.
Now then, now that the women's rights are taken care of, where are those tax-payer funded condoms all those Georgetown guys need? And the tax-payer funded beer those same guys would need to want to give Ms Fluke a reason to buy those pills in the first place?
This is a crisis of epic proportions that makes the national debt pale in comparison.
God help us.
Finally, there is the bowler, tuxedo, and monocle, symbols of a refined, intellectual conservatism, or what I seek to encourage here.
Way to go Rush you dumb ass....with the enormously one sidedbattle that must be fought with the liberal media, you manage to SET US BACK.....really surprised you were this stupid
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