Sunday, December 21, 2008

Holiday Addition to the Pet Peeve List

The holidays are a time of cheer, good will, family and happiness...and here at the CW, they are also the source of an addition to my Pet Peeve list. Why do so many people with whom I've had friendships of decades in length persist in sending me Christmas Cards with pictures of their children on them? Just their children, mind you. While I am of course happy for the good fortune my friends have found in their strong, brave, and comely children, the plain truth of the matter is most of the time, I wouldn't be able to pick them out of a milk carton lineup if a gun were held to my head. If you're going to send a picture of the children as a Christmas card, include a shot of yourselves, darnit! That way I'll know who the heck sent me the card.


Goldwater's Ghost said...

Um, you might not want to open the incoming Goldwater Christmas card then...

SamShapiro said...
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SamShapiro said...

My pet peeve is the person who persists in sending cards with cows on them. Come on, if your going to send a card of cows, at least include a shot of yourself tending to them so I'd know who the heck sent it to me.

Doc Milnamo said...

SS - Are you saying the handwriting is beyond being decipherable?

SamShapiro said...

DM, I'm not saying that but if CW was a Dr., writing a script, he'd have an excuse.

The Conservative Wahoo said...

(noting those to be removed from future Christmas card lists)

The Conservative Wahoo said...

Receiving a good deal of back-channel support for my view here....

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