Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How Dare Someone Suggest People Expect Everything From Government!

A 2008 classic that's worth revisiting in the wake of Romney's 'scandalous' remarks. 


LL said...

The high propensity Obama voters (the entitled) won't vote for Mitt Romney because they don't want the "money for nothing and chick for free" to end.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure that this woman means that Obama in the White House will lead to more jobs and more secure jobs, therefore less worry about being able to afford gas and the mortgage. But since it's just a sound bite, we'll never really know. Taking words from a virtual vacuum and attributing meaning to them leads to misunderstanding and misinformation.

The Conservative Wahoo said...

Leslie, you trusting, naive soul.

Unknown said...

I think that the woman means that with Obama as president, there will be more jobs and more job security. Therefore, she will be better able to afford gas for her car and the mortgage on her house. However, I don't really know what she means since this is merely a sound bite without any meaningful reference. This leads to misunderstanding and misinformation.

Unknown said...

No, not really. I do think that trust is involved, but I don't think that I'm (completely) naive. I think that trust has to be involved in any relationship, whether it's between two people or the government and the people. Of course there are people who abuse the system, but these people are everywhere on both sides of the aisle and attached to every fringe group there is. Hopefully, most of us in the middle balance out the freeloaders, both rich and poor; conservative and liberal.

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