University of North Carolina basketball fans around the country have created a near carnival atmosphere in anticipation of tonight's hoops action against the Michigan State Spartans on the flightdeck of the USS Carl Vinson. Celebrations have been particularly exuberant in UNC fan strongholds like Archer's Lodge, NC, Maryland's Eastern Shore and Teheran where a large percentage of Tar Heel grads reside.
In other Carolina news, unnamed sources on the UNC campus refuse to confirm persistent rumors that Joe Paterno has been offered head football coaching duties in the troubled and corrupt gridiron program.
Ah yes...NC State....the OWS of College Basketball....
Not so fast there bucko.
What the Hell? POTUS takes the microphone after the National Anthem, yet the National Ensign is moving and he decides to talk instead of rendering the proper honors? Amateur Hour at its best.
Another Big 10 hoops loss to the ACC. Ugh. We suck.
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