Thursday, October 8, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different...

Hotties shooting guns.

Go ahead. Make my day.


Doc Milnamo said...

That's just what your sister-in-law looks like GG when she's shooting my AR-15 down at the rifle range! Nothing says hot like hip-hugging camos, a bippie top and some good ol' 5.56 FMJ!

"The Hammer" said...

Reminds me of Jackie Brown.

"AK47...When you absolutely positively have to kill every motherf____ in the room, accept no substitute." Ordell Robey (Samuel L. Jackson)

One of the greatest lines in the history of American cinema.

SamShapiro said...

Doc, somehow I knew you would be the first to respond to this.

Dan said...

Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "Reflexive Fire."

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