Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Smoke 'Em If Youg Got 'Em

News today of an administration decision to "de-prioritize" the prosecution of marijuana based cases in states where the medicinal use of marijuana is permitted. I've got mixed feelings on this one.

As a bit of a libertarian, I'd like to see marijuana legalized (but then I diverge from libertarianism, because I'd want it taxed).

But I'm also a law-and-order guy, and I just don't like the idea of an administration basically saying, "we're just not going to be real enthusiastic about enforcing laws".

But I'm probably more in favor of the move than against it.


Mudge said...

"But I'm probably more in favor of the move than against it."

From the American Medical Association (AMA) report on cannabis and mental acuity: "The evidence is persuasive that excessive use directly inhibits the decision-making process, resulting in frequently wavering commitment to a particular issue requiring a decision."

This explains Al Gore and John Kerry...et tu, CW?

"The Hammer" said...

I heard some guy on the radio from NORML saying marihoochie was the greatest natural substance since aspirin. Maybe, but it does seem to have some therapeutic effect for people with cancer, AIDS, law degrees etc. Chemo can be a bitch and it does give them some quality of life. So for that reason alone I would be in favor of not just decriminalization but full legalization.

Lets be honest, we've all done it. Hell I'll bet even CW got toasted once or twice at UVA while trying to take advantage of some poor coed. But as I heard it once said, pot is an IQ test, if you're still smoking it past 40 you fail.

The Conservative Wahoo said...

Hmmm...I wonder what the AMA says about alcohol and mental acuity.

PK said...

Just for the record, we have NOT all done it. (You're shocked, B, I know, I know...)

The Conservative Wahoo said...

PK--you are right--we haven't all done it. And I'm not shocked at all dear--your other vices are somewhat familiar to me.

Willie "J" said...

I did it, but I never had sex with that...I mean I never inhaled.

"The Hammer" said...

Gee I didn't realize we had that many Amish in the crowd. I thought I was fairly mainstream in my vices having attended only a couple of Wesson oil parties in my youth.

Oh well to each his own. You guys are pretty good at Yahtzee aren't you?

Smoothfur said...

Perhaps this explains some of the defective thought processes being forwarded by the Obama administration.

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