Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Surprise! Liberals Want to Raise Taxes

A couple of thinkers from the intellectual powerhouse of the Democratic Party (The Brookings Institute) want to--get ready for this--raise taxes! I know, I know--you're shocked. Here's the problem they're trying to solve:

"Anyone who thinks that health-care reform alone is going to close the massive current -- and even larger projected -- U.S. budget deficit is deluded. President Obama has pledged that health-care reform will not make matters worse. But that isn't good enough. There is no way to restore this nation to fiscal health without higher taxes -- for the middle class as well as for the rich. The only question is when. Those increases should be enacted now, phased in gradually after the recovery is well established, and tied to the increased spending that health-care reform will generate."

No discussion of reducing the size of government, cutting government spending. No discussion on ways to reform healthcare that involve market forces and competition--just "increased spending". Brookings never saw a tax it didn't like.


"The Hammer" said...

I'm convinced these idiots are trying to create the Weimar Republic. Either that or they are totally out to lunch. No one could be this damned stupid. There must be a reason.

I heard one of Obama's functionaries pronounced the recession officially over. That's great. Too bad every economic indicator says the opposite. But who's paying attention anyway? If Obama says it and the press says it, it must be true.

Smoothfur said...

Greg is correct, at the rate the Obama adminisrtration is printing money we may make the Weimer Republic look like good times. Perhaps the only good investment will be in companies that manufacture printing presses.

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