I write to you from the pleasant confines of BWI's new airport lounge, contentedly sipping a free coffee whilst awaiting transport to Atlanta to watch my Wahoos take on Auburn in what was formerly known as The Peach Bowl. Apparently, the $500 a year I send AMEX does get me something worthwhile now and then.
Thanks to the Kitten for giving me my liberty card to hang with the boys on New Years Eve. All good things to all readers of this blog--Merry New Year!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Have You Contributed to Romney for President Yet?
Look to your right, folks. We're on the verge of breaking through the $3000 point in blog support for the ultimate GOP Standard Bearer. Looks to me like Newt is fading and Ron Paul will get ground down under the weight of his own statements. Who will be the one to put us over the $3K level?
Don't forget to click the box saying that you know your referrer's information--that will track it back to the blog.
UPDATE: A frequent visitor to the blog put us over the $3K point today!
Don't forget to click the box saying that you know your referrer's information--that will track it back to the blog.
UPDATE: A frequent visitor to the blog put us over the $3K point today!
Big Fat Friday Free For All
Well folks? What have you got? Watching your lead slip away in Iowa? Worried what happens to your campaign when all your supporters go back to college? Worried about losing to an ACC team in your Bowl Game? Step right up and bitch away!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
WaPost Gets Iowahawked
Iowahawk takes a look at a recent WaPost piece on the Solydra scandal, and it is a gem. Here's a wonderful bit from it, rightfully criticizing the Post's view of what the "scandal" at Solyndra actually was:
"Look, I have nothing against Linda Sterio, any more than I have anything against a waitress unwittingly employed by an Al Capone speakeasy. I wish her well in obtaining employment. But let's be clear: the scandal is not that she lost her job at Solyndra, it's that she ever had a job at Solyndra. And that she, and countless others, were deprived jobs at legitimate businesses because government sucked $500 million out capital markets to endorse and underwrite the "clean-energy" hustles of its favorite check-writing eco-crooks."
"Look, I have nothing against Linda Sterio, any more than I have anything against a waitress unwittingly employed by an Al Capone speakeasy. I wish her well in obtaining employment. But let's be clear: the scandal is not that she lost her job at Solyndra, it's that she ever had a job at Solyndra. And that she, and countless others, were deprived jobs at legitimate businesses because government sucked $500 million out capital markets to endorse and underwrite the "clean-energy" hustles of its favorite check-writing eco-crooks."
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Don't Forget Scott Brown
Yes, I know. He voted now and again in ways that have pissed all of us off. But take a look at this piece from the Boston Herald. He's voted with Republican leadership 75% of the time--the "other" Senator in Massachusetts--John Kerry--voted with Democratic leadership 97% of the time. Indeed, he is among the most moderate of Republicans in the Senate, right there with his neighbors from Maine. But he votes with the Republican caucus. He's yet another vote toward control of the Senate. Dead-enders can turn against him because he didn't turn out to be a perfect Tea Party candidate--but that is not a strategically sound decision. You'd rather have Elizabeth Warren, perhaps? Support Scott Brown. Contribute. Today.
National Review Has A Go At Wall Street
![]() |
Kevin Williamson |
Williamson has an article in the latest National Review, and National Review Online has graciously posted it here. In it, Williamson does a manful job of exposing the high state of crony capitalism running amok in the United States, fueled in no small measure by the ultra-cozy relationship between major Wall Street types and politicians of both parties. Few emerge from this article unscathed, and if Williamson is to be believed, few should.
Many people wonder how Wall Street could have been so famously enthralled by the young man from Illinois, he of nary two years of undistinguished Senate experience. Wasn't he a "share the wealth" guy? Didn't he sound vaguely anti-capitalist? Well--yes, He did. But--and here is where Williamson is at his best--we shouldn't confuse Wall Street with free market capitalism. It is a place in fact, where free-market capitalism has been replaced by state influenced--dare I say Fascist--collusion between government and capital. So those who shook their head in wonder as investment banker millions piled into Barack Obama's coffers simply saw things wrong. They weren't voting against their interests...they were voting FOR their interests--and that is, the best bet for continuing to give them the thumb on the scale needed to make the money they want to make.
I know, I know--I sound like a populist. I sound like I am anti-Wall Street. Well, I'm not. I believe Wall Street carries out a necessary function in our-nay, the world's--economy. I know there are a ton of hard working, virtuous people who do their very best to ensure shareholder value in their enterprises. But you've really got to wonder how it was that SO MANY people that you once believed saw the world like you do voted for and financially supported a candidate so diametrically opposed to your beliefs. The answer clearly is that I was wrong about them. Those who voted for President Obama aren't interested in free markets and minimal regulation; those who voted for President Obama are interested largely in keeping the good deal that they had going as long as it could go. Williamson's portrayal of the sneering contempt with which some on Wall Street view REAL free-market capitalists (like the guy who sold you your car, who paved your driveway, who renovated your house) may have been a bit overdone, but it hit a nerve with me.
I've been a pretty consistent backer of Wall Street, and a fairly loud backer of free markets. I'll continue to do both--but I will sharpen my thinking and rhetoric and be more willing to write about excesses enabled by the all-too-cozy relationship between Washington and Wall Street. I hope that a change of administrations next year can move the issue forward, in a way that returns free-market principles to the world of high finance. But we all know where "hope" got us this time....
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
2012 Predictions
1. New Orleans will beat Green Bay in the NFC Championship game.
2. Kim Kardashian will write a memoir.
3. Kate Middleton will be with child by years' end.
4. Jerry Sandusky will be the victim of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
5. On Election Night, riots will break out in Chicago, Detroit and Philadelphia.
6. Eric Holder will dig in, the press will circle the wagons, and he will keep his job.
7. The Washington Post will set a record for most consecutive days running essentially the same article to remind us that George Allen used the word macaca in 2006.
8. The Occupy movement will gain steam when the weather gets nice, and something very ugly will finally happen at one of their rallies.
9. The press will suddenly become fascinated with the Mormon faith and there will be an unprecedented number of stories devoted to covering it.
10. At least one and perhaps both of my dogs will finally realize that they're simply never going to catch a squirrel.
11. In CW's continuing effort to be 'nicer,' he will get a Gator for Halloween to tote all the neighborhood kids around.
2. Kim Kardashian will write a memoir.
3. Kate Middleton will be with child by years' end.
4. Jerry Sandusky will be the victim of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
5. On Election Night, riots will break out in Chicago, Detroit and Philadelphia.
6. Eric Holder will dig in, the press will circle the wagons, and he will keep his job.
7. The Washington Post will set a record for most consecutive days running essentially the same article to remind us that George Allen used the word macaca in 2006.
8. The Occupy movement will gain steam when the weather gets nice, and something very ugly will finally happen at one of their rallies.
9. The press will suddenly become fascinated with the Mormon faith and there will be an unprecedented number of stories devoted to covering it.
10. At least one and perhaps both of my dogs will finally realize that they're simply never going to catch a squirrel.
11. In CW's continuing effort to be 'nicer,' he will get a Gator for Halloween to tote all the neighborhood kids around.
2012 New Year's Resolutions
Ok folks. This is a new one--I generally don't make many New Year's Resolutions, and I'm not aware that I've shared them in the past. Posting them here may have the capacity to make me try harder to attain them. So in no particular order, here they are.
1. Eat better. Low carb, all year.
2. Exercise more. Even a little bit is better than nothing.
3. Curse less. I'm an educated, reasonably articulate man, but I can curse like a Sailor. It's time to put that away.
4. Be a "nicer" guy. I don't think the first thing that comes to people's minds when they think of me is that I'm a "nice guy". I guess I'm okay with that, as I don't really strive to be seen that way. In 2012, I think I'd like to be seen as a "nicer guy", at least nicer than 2011.
5. Be more patient. In all things. With all people.
6. Be there more for my family. In all ways.
7. Smile more.
8. Strive to develop a more nuanced sense of humor; value lightness more, sarcasm less.
9. Work around the house more, in the house less.
10. Read more books, fewer URL's.
1. Eat better. Low carb, all year.
2. Exercise more. Even a little bit is better than nothing.
3. Curse less. I'm an educated, reasonably articulate man, but I can curse like a Sailor. It's time to put that away.
4. Be a "nicer" guy. I don't think the first thing that comes to people's minds when they think of me is that I'm a "nice guy". I guess I'm okay with that, as I don't really strive to be seen that way. In 2012, I think I'd like to be seen as a "nicer guy", at least nicer than 2011.
5. Be more patient. In all things. With all people.
6. Be there more for my family. In all ways.
7. Smile more.
8. Strive to develop a more nuanced sense of humor; value lightness more, sarcasm less.
9. Work around the house more, in the house less.
10. Read more books, fewer URL's.
Scorecard--2011; Predictions--2012
It was a dismal year for my predictions--you can see them for yourself here. Looks like I got exactly ONE of TEN right--predicting that unemployment would be under 9%. Never one to be dragged down by poor past performance, here are my 2012 Predictions. I invite my fellow bloggers to post theirs as the spirit moves them.
1. Mitt Romney will be elected President
2. Marco Rubio will be elected Vice-President
3. Republicans will win majorities in both Chambers of Congress as a result of the 2012 Elections
4. The Presidential Election of 2012 will be notable for its ugliness. Apologists for Mr. Obama will claim the result was a sign of lingering US racism, forgetting of course, 2008.
5. My renovation will be completed by the time I write next year's wrapup
6. The Dow will break its previous high sometime during the year
7. UVA's Football Team will lose only two games, one of which will be to Va Tech (which will play in the BCS Championship Game)
8. Israel will be at war with at least one other nation-state during 2012. The US will provide logistics and intelligence support, but nothing else.
9. Scott Brown will lose his Massachusetts Senate Seat
10.Scott Brown will be Mitt Romney's choice for Attorney General
1. Mitt Romney will be elected President
2. Marco Rubio will be elected Vice-President
3. Republicans will win majorities in both Chambers of Congress as a result of the 2012 Elections
4. The Presidential Election of 2012 will be notable for its ugliness. Apologists for Mr. Obama will claim the result was a sign of lingering US racism, forgetting of course, 2008.
5. My renovation will be completed by the time I write next year's wrapup
6. The Dow will break its previous high sometime during the year
7. UVA's Football Team will lose only two games, one of which will be to Va Tech (which will play in the BCS Championship Game)
8. Israel will be at war with at least one other nation-state during 2012. The US will provide logistics and intelligence support, but nothing else.
9. Scott Brown will lose his Massachusetts Senate Seat
10.Scott Brown will be Mitt Romney's choice for Attorney General
Book Review: "In My Time" by Dick Cheney
The Kitten gave me a copy of Lord Voldemort's autobiography for Christmas, and it is worth the read. It isn't US Grant's story, mind you, but it is an interesting, straightforward account of a very interesting life.
Essentially this is two books--one, the pre-Bush VP days, and the other, an account of Cheney's time as VP. To my mind, the pre-Bush Cheney is far more interesting. Power company lineman (and 2 time DUI recipient), asked to leave Yale (again, twice), college/grad student, husband, father, White House Staffer, White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff, Congressman, Secretary of Defense, Corporate CEO--the man lived a big life. A lot here I didn't know, and a lot here that helped explain why he was the man he was.
The VP part of the book? Well, it is told with less wistfulness, less joy, more business and dedication. There is some serious score settling here--as Condi, Colin Powell, and Richard Armitage come in for some rough treatment. The Bush Years were probably too fresh in my mind for me to really like this section--it seemed more like reading a stack of Time Magazines than reading a life story. But there are some great sections in this part--especially the discussion of striking Syria's nuclear complex (something Cheney advocated), a job eventually taken on by the Israelis.
Cheney's treatment of GWB remains loyal and respectful, though it is clear the President's failure to pardon Scooter Libby created distance between them. Cheney was never what he was portrayed to be in the press (pulling the strings, the man behind the curtain) and he's not afraid to say that here. He was, however, a very different brand of Vice President, and his role in many of the most important decisions of the Bush Presidency sets him apart from the field in terms of influence and legacy.
Read the book. It is clearly Dick Cheney's no-nonsense voice, with spare prose and sentences written that point you in the direction of conclusions but never actually take you all the way, especially when he was trying to say unpleasant things about another person. Of interest to me was the fact that Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich came into the House the same year--and while most of Newt's time in the spotlight occurred while Cheney was in the private sector, the two did serve together in the house for ten years. Cheney is again, respectful of Gingrich and gives him a good deal of credit for bringing about a Republican majority in the House. But he did not align himself with Gingrich's young insurgency, choosing instead to send his Chief of Staff to Newt's meetings.
Essentially this is two books--one, the pre-Bush VP days, and the other, an account of Cheney's time as VP. To my mind, the pre-Bush Cheney is far more interesting. Power company lineman (and 2 time DUI recipient), asked to leave Yale (again, twice), college/grad student, husband, father, White House Staffer, White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff, Congressman, Secretary of Defense, Corporate CEO--the man lived a big life. A lot here I didn't know, and a lot here that helped explain why he was the man he was.
The VP part of the book? Well, it is told with less wistfulness, less joy, more business and dedication. There is some serious score settling here--as Condi, Colin Powell, and Richard Armitage come in for some rough treatment. The Bush Years were probably too fresh in my mind for me to really like this section--it seemed more like reading a stack of Time Magazines than reading a life story. But there are some great sections in this part--especially the discussion of striking Syria's nuclear complex (something Cheney advocated), a job eventually taken on by the Israelis.
Cheney's treatment of GWB remains loyal and respectful, though it is clear the President's failure to pardon Scooter Libby created distance between them. Cheney was never what he was portrayed to be in the press (pulling the strings, the man behind the curtain) and he's not afraid to say that here. He was, however, a very different brand of Vice President, and his role in many of the most important decisions of the Bush Presidency sets him apart from the field in terms of influence and legacy.
Read the book. It is clearly Dick Cheney's no-nonsense voice, with spare prose and sentences written that point you in the direction of conclusions but never actually take you all the way, especially when he was trying to say unpleasant things about another person. Of interest to me was the fact that Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich came into the House the same year--and while most of Newt's time in the spotlight occurred while Cheney was in the private sector, the two did serve together in the house for ten years. Cheney is again, respectful of Gingrich and gives him a good deal of credit for bringing about a Republican majority in the House. But he did not align himself with Gingrich's young insurgency, choosing instead to send his Chief of Staff to Newt's meetings.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas Eve....Second Biggest Traffic Day Ever!
Why was this? Why, it is because we were linked to by my favorite all-grown up blogger, Tigerhawk! Thanks to him for the link and to Sally for supplying the post.
♫ Where Have All the Conservatives Gone?...Long Time Passing ♫
Interesting piece today in the Washington Post (by our old friend Bob Woodward) describing Newt's troubles with the Republican establishment, specifically the 1990 budget deal between George Bush and Congressional Democrats. Woodward's thesis is that Gingrich was an uncompromising, emotionally unstable jerk who had a problem with authority and betrayed a sitting President thereby facilitating his eventual defeat. Perhaps, but if the 1990 version of Newt were running for President, I would be an enthusiastic supporter.
Compromise is overrated. Compromise is a politician's default position, not a leader's. Say what you will about Obama, Pelosi, Reed et al., when they had the power they didn't compromise. They have their policies and the opposition be damned. I respect that. Compromise is what happens when you have exhausted every possible avenue to winning. I think Maggie Thatcher described the Romney wing of the party exactly: "“If you just set out to be liked, you will be prepared to compromise on anything at anytime, and would achieve nothing. ” Amen.
Compromise is overrated. Compromise is a politician's default position, not a leader's. Say what you will about Obama, Pelosi, Reed et al., when they had the power they didn't compromise. They have their policies and the opposition be damned. I respect that. Compromise is what happens when you have exhausted every possible avenue to winning. I think Maggie Thatcher described the Romney wing of the party exactly: "“If you just set out to be liked, you will be prepared to compromise on anything at anytime, and would achieve nothing. ” Amen.
Jonah Goldberg Masterfully Skewers Ron Paul
I've been kinda quiet here on the blog (but not on the real-time debate chats) about my distaste for Ron Paul as a Presidential candidate. While there are a number of interesting domestic policy ideas in his satchel, his views on foreign and defense policy make George McGovern look like a war-monger.
Jonah Goldberg--a conservative thinker generally well-disposed to Libertarianism--takes Paul out for a spin in this wonderful column. Here's just a bit for you:
"Paul’s supporters love to talk about how he was a lone voice of dissent. They never explain why he was alone in his dissent. Why couldn’t he convince even his ideologically sympathetic colleagues? Why is there no Ron Paul caucus?"
Jonah Goldberg--a conservative thinker generally well-disposed to Libertarianism--takes Paul out for a spin in this wonderful column. Here's just a bit for you:
"Paul’s supporters love to talk about how he was a lone voice of dissent. They never explain why he was alone in his dissent. Why couldn’t he convince even his ideologically sympathetic colleagues? Why is there no Ron Paul caucus?"
The Entitlement That Is Social Security
For its history, Democrats have been able to point to Social Security as something other than an entitlement, a program in which people essentially "pay for their own benefit". They realized (FDR first among them), that for Social Security to be protected and popular--it could not be seen as a giveaway to the poor. No, it must be equally available to all, funded of course, by the contributions of workers themselves.
Something happened on the way to Utopia though, and that is, the birth control pill. That's right, the birth control pill (and the equal rights evolution) conspired to drive birthrates down in the United states to the point where there are only a few workers actually paying for every retiree (while there were over 50 when the program started in the '30's). In less than 15 years, it will be two workers for every retiree. The bottom line is that the program can no longer pay for itself, and its continuation is a function of co-mingling payroll taxes with transfers from the general treasury. In effect, Social Security is now an entitlement, something that has come into sharp relief with the recent payroll tax fight on the Hill.
We simply don't have enough workers to fund the program anymore, unless taxes are raised in dangerously non-productive ways. It is time to means test Social Security and see it for what it is--an insurance policy to keep people from slipping into poverty when they stop working. The fiction of "I paid in, I'm entitled to the benefit" is undercut by longer lives and earlier retirements.
Note to liberals and their echoes: I am not saying get rid of social security. I'm saying we should end the fiction that it is anything other than an entitlement. Doing so opens the way for the kinds of reforms necessary to protect the plan's ability to do good for those who actually need it.
Something happened on the way to Utopia though, and that is, the birth control pill. That's right, the birth control pill (and the equal rights evolution) conspired to drive birthrates down in the United states to the point where there are only a few workers actually paying for every retiree (while there were over 50 when the program started in the '30's). In less than 15 years, it will be two workers for every retiree. The bottom line is that the program can no longer pay for itself, and its continuation is a function of co-mingling payroll taxes with transfers from the general treasury. In effect, Social Security is now an entitlement, something that has come into sharp relief with the recent payroll tax fight on the Hill.
We simply don't have enough workers to fund the program anymore, unless taxes are raised in dangerously non-productive ways. It is time to means test Social Security and see it for what it is--an insurance policy to keep people from slipping into poverty when they stop working. The fiction of "I paid in, I'm entitled to the benefit" is undercut by longer lives and earlier retirements.
Note to liberals and their echoes: I am not saying get rid of social security. I'm saying we should end the fiction that it is anything other than an entitlement. Doing so opens the way for the kinds of reforms necessary to protect the plan's ability to do good for those who actually need it.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Virginia Ballot Fiasco
There will only be two candidates to choose from in Virginia's primary on Super Tuesday: Romney and Paul. It's an unusual system-10,000 signatures are required to get on the ballot, with a minimum of 400 from each of the state's 11 Congressional districts.
Newt, Perry, Bachmann, Santorum and Huntsman (hard to remember that last fella!) didn't make the cut. While at least two and possibly four of those candidates will have quit the race by then, Newt was actually leading Romney by a significant margin in the last statewide poll.
Newt is crying foul and blaming the system. RedState is hinting at a conspiracy. The Republican Party of Virginia, who was responsible for verifying the signatures, better have clean hands on this one. But assuming their hands are clean, it's hard to muster too much sympathy for Newt. The rules may be dumb, arcane, whatever. But they're not new rules. Eight candidates managed to get on the ballot in 2008. Goes to show you the vital importance of organization.
Newt, Perry, Bachmann, Santorum and Huntsman (hard to remember that last fella!) didn't make the cut. While at least two and possibly four of those candidates will have quit the race by then, Newt was actually leading Romney by a significant margin in the last statewide poll.
Newt is crying foul and blaming the system. RedState is hinting at a conspiracy. The Republican Party of Virginia, who was responsible for verifying the signatures, better have clean hands on this one. But assuming their hands are clean, it's hard to muster too much sympathy for Newt. The rules may be dumb, arcane, whatever. But they're not new rules. Eight candidates managed to get on the ballot in 2008. Goes to show you the vital importance of organization.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Hey Everyone....Mitt Romney's Running for President
And you can contribute by clicking the link on the right side of the blog. Make sure you check the "I know my referrer" block so that people will know you are a CW reader! Check out the total, folks--we're really making a difference. Every little bit helps!
By the way--if you have a chance, watch the video. Some words you'd never hear Barack Obama say.
By the way--if you have a chance, watch the video. Some words you'd never hear Barack Obama say.
Big Fat Friday Free For All
So? What's on your Christmas list this year? Asking Santa for a little sweetheart deal for your "green" energy firm? Looking for your your party's self respect after the Senate simply left town and said "deal with it"? Miss your wife and girls in Hawaii?
Unburden yourselves, people.
Unburden yourselves, people.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Book Review

Here's a great gift for the non-Obama fan on your list. A 150-page manifesto of everything O knows about the economy published by a 30-year-old banker from Tennessee.
The entire book is blank.
Available on Amazon for $9.99.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Dead Man Walking Holder and Voter ID
Our illustrious Attorney General Eric Holder--under withering pressure generated by the "Fast and Furious" scandal--has come out fighting and decided to choose opposition to state requirements that voters produce some sort of ID before voting as the parapet he will mount. Check out this piece from National Review Online for a report.
I went Christmas shopping during the past few days here in the People's State of Maryland, and each time I went to use my credit card, I had to produce some form of ID (as I choose not to sign the back of them). I complied.
I will later today, attempt air travel via commercial conveyance. I expect to show ID several more times.
I will check into a room on an Army post late this afternoon--and will be required to show an ID.
Yet when I go to vote next year in the Maryland Republican primary, I will not be asked to show a single form of ID. Critics of doing so state that requiring an ID is simply a modern poll tax--a way for Republicans to keep largely minority Democratic voters from going to the polls. Presumably, minority Democratic voters have a very difficult time getting ID's, even when states sponsor legislation saying that they can obtain them for free as part of the ID legislation. This is absolute nonsense, and the Attorney General has selected an issue that will serve the President well with a constituency he's already got locked up, while reasonable moderates shake their heads and wonder what the big deal is. More of this please, Mr. Attorney General.
Your race to return to the private sector (against Secretary of Energy Chu) just got more competitive.
I went Christmas shopping during the past few days here in the People's State of Maryland, and each time I went to use my credit card, I had to produce some form of ID (as I choose not to sign the back of them). I complied.
I will later today, attempt air travel via commercial conveyance. I expect to show ID several more times.
I will check into a room on an Army post late this afternoon--and will be required to show an ID.
Yet when I go to vote next year in the Maryland Republican primary, I will not be asked to show a single form of ID. Critics of doing so state that requiring an ID is simply a modern poll tax--a way for Republicans to keep largely minority Democratic voters from going to the polls. Presumably, minority Democratic voters have a very difficult time getting ID's, even when states sponsor legislation saying that they can obtain them for free as part of the ID legislation. This is absolute nonsense, and the Attorney General has selected an issue that will serve the President well with a constituency he's already got locked up, while reasonable moderates shake their heads and wonder what the big deal is. More of this please, Mr. Attorney General.
Your race to return to the private sector (against Secretary of Energy Chu) just got more competitive.
Fairfax County Not Spreading The Wealth Around
Great post here from Reason's online offerings, one skewering oh so left of center Fairfax County Virginia's input to the Commonwealth of Virginia's legislature. Home of the governmental professional elite, Fairfax falls just behind neighbor Loudon County as the two wealthiest counties in the country. Apparently, spreading the wealth around only works when it is other people's wealth, as Fairfax is somewhat piqued at having to support the rubes unfortunate enough to inhabit the wilder environs of the Commonwealth.
H/T--Glenn Reynolds' Facebook site.
H/T--Glenn Reynolds' Facebook site.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
44th President is our 4th Best President, Says 44th President

The best part of the interview, however, remained on the CBS cutting room floor. In it, the President made the absurd claim that "I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president -- with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln -- just in terms of what we've gotten done in modern history."
Courage: The Keith Ellison Story
The Occupy DC losers have embarked on a hunger strike as a way of agitating for DC voting rights. It began December 8 and will likely end without fanfare long before DC voting rights are established or anyone dies of starvation.
Enter Rep Keith Ellison, a Democrat from Minnesota. To show his solidarity with the protestors, he's joined them on the hunger strike. One caveat: his hunger strike will only last 24 hours.
He's practically Mahatma Gandhi.
Enter Rep Keith Ellison, a Democrat from Minnesota. To show his solidarity with the protestors, he's joined them on the hunger strike. One caveat: his hunger strike will only last 24 hours.
He's practically Mahatma Gandhi.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Is Newt Nuts?

But I have watched much of today's coverage of the event and I need to ask, has Newt lost it? He wants to subpoena sitting judges? He wants to do away with whole circuits? He wants to impeach the judiciary according to his political whim? Ok, ok I know the history. I know Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus and I know FDR tried to pack the Supreme Court. And if this was just a shot across the bow for our more activist justices, I say well done. But this was neither the time nor the place. And, if one attempts something like this, it behooves one to lay a little groundwork first, so folks can take it in context.
Look, I've seen the damage judicial activism can do and I take a backseat to no one in my frustration with the courts. Over the years I've watched California pass Proposition this or that on everything from taxes to immigration to affirmative action, and I've also watched as they were almost immediately struck down by the 9th. Circuit. I've seen judges take over school districts because they didn't like the funding or the racial makeup in a community. I've seen them invent rights that don't exist and ignore rights that do. Rather than defending and protecting the Constitution, we have chuckle-headed lawyers trained (it seems) in circumventing the the greatest political document ever written on the rights of man. I've seen it, I know it exists, and so have you. But Gingrich's remedy is bad politics and bad policy and it may well have ruined his candidacy.
I'm not a Constitutional lawyer, but I know the courts are a co-equal branch of government, and if the Congress or the President or a State has a case against one of the more "inventive" opinions handed down by the Rose Byrds or Willian Brennans of the World, then they have a Constitutional DUTY to tell the courts to piss-off and take it to the people. And then, guess what? Ultimately the people will decide. And to borrow from WFB, I'd rather be ruled by the first hundred people in the phonebook than the first hundred lawyers in the West Legal Directory.
Well Hello There Mom
A high school in my ancestral homeland of Minnesota has managed to pull off a rather bizarre stunt.
At a pep rally, all the captains of the winter sports teams were led into the gym blindfolded. They were told they were going to be kissed by someone special, and that they had to guess who the mystery kisser was. Some of the mystery kissers really got into it...these were not innocent little pecks.
Harmless youthful fun, you say? The mystery kissers were the opposite-sex parents of the kids.
At a pep rally, all the captains of the winter sports teams were led into the gym blindfolded. They were told they were going to be kissed by someone special, and that they had to guess who the mystery kisser was. Some of the mystery kissers really got into it...these were not innocent little pecks.
Harmless youthful fun, you say? The mystery kissers were the opposite-sex parents of the kids.
UVA vs. Auburn in the Chick-fil-A Bowl
So what does $320 get you at the Chick-fil-A Bowl? Four tickets in upper deck, end zone nose-bleed. See you in Section 314...
Last Night's Debate

My man? Mitt did well...very well.
Here's how it plays out in Iowa--you heard it here first:
1. Ron Paul--28%
2. Mitt Romney--25%
3. Newt Gingrich--24%
4. Rick Santorum-- 8%
5. Michele Bachman--7%
6. Rick Perry--6%
7 Jon Huntsman--1%
8. Others-- 1%
Ron Paul will win because he's got committed volunteers and it is a caucus state. College kids home from break will saturate the state and give him a "Pat Buchanan"-like victory.
Romney will beat Gingrich. Folks will spend holiday meals among friends and family talking about the two men, and Newt will simply not digest as well as Mitt.
Santorum will surprise in Iowa. He'll be able to claim a "victory" and then assume the "anti-Mitt" mantle.
Bachman, Perry, and Huntsman are out after Iowa.
Big Fat Friday Free For All
Well folks, what's eatin' you? Anything you'd like to share with the broader audience. Anything to get off your chest?
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Have You Contributed to Romney for President Yet?
Click the link to the right to donate to the next President's campaign. Don't forget to check the box that states you "know my referrer's information".
Live Blogging the Debate
Sorry for the late notice everyone, but we'll live blog the Republican debate tonight using the Conservative Wahoo Chat feature on the right side of the page. Looking forward to a big night for Mitt!
Happy Hanukkah
Monday, December 12, 2011
Jimmy Wires Turns 80!
My Dad turns 80 today, and we feted him in grand style in North Carolina over the weekend. Dad always referred to himself as a "humble wire peddler", and he taught my brothers and me most of what we know about golf, talking smack on the golf course, the art of playing catcher, and how to grill bluefish--among other very important things. Happy Birthday, Dad. 80 looks good on you.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Renovation Progress
Had several people ask about the renovation over the weekend, and the plain truth is that it isn't done. We're close, but then again we've been close for four months. Some painting, a little carpentry, some electrical work, and then of course, a ton of landscaping remains.
Here's a before and after that shows exterior progress. Summer's obviously gone, so the two wings are hidden in the before.
Here's a before and after that shows exterior progress. Summer's obviously gone, so the two wings are hidden in the before.
Dec 2010 |
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Dec 2011 |
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Aug 2010 |
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Republican Power Summit: Raleigh, NC
Yes indeed, ladies and gentlemen, it was quite a night in Raleigh. In payment of the debt earned through Virginia's non-performance against the NC State Wolfpack this year, I met The Hammer for dinner in a fine steakhouse in Raleigh, and what followed can only be termed as a delight. My sister Kelly joined us, though Hammer's Mrs. was feeling ill and had to stay home (sorry Rachel, I hope you are available next time).
It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening. The food was superb, the conversation first-rate, and the company was convivial. Definitely a "do-over". Thanks, Hammer, for your good cheer and friendship.And thank you to my sister Kelly who made the two of us look less like an old, gay couple.
The Hammer and CW |
Friday, December 9, 2011
Tonights the Night

So CW, we shall see you at 8:00 (don't be late) and what time should we expect the limo?
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Guns Walk, Holder Balks

In the upcoming campaign let's make Obama explain why ATF facilitated the purchase of over 2000 assault rifles (some say three times that number) by fraudulent buyers (often times foreign nationals) for the specific purpose of arming organized Mexican drug gangs. And how were we to track these rifles, by the trail of mayhem? Let the President explain away the hundreds of crimes committed on both side of the border, including a dead American Border Patrol agent, perpetrated with these weapons. Let's hear why the Mexican government was not consulted or otherwise informed of this asinine scheme that has resulted in damaged relations between our two countries. Furthermore, what did you Mr. President know and when did you know it? And finally, let's hear why there hasn't been a top to bottom reorganization at DOJ starting with Holder's resignation and possible indictment.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
CW Bucket List Item....
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West Wing Entrance. A very cool day. |
It was really a treat to be invited, and doubly so that we didn't do the meeting in the Old Executive Office Building (been there, done that) --a beautiful old place, but not the "show".
One of the things I came to learn during my final tour in the Navy was the degree to which where matters of foreign policy and defense are concerned, the adults are generally in charge atop both parties. Folks working on this National Security Staff are no exception. Very smart, very collegial, listening intently. This was an all time great day.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Hunting Report

CW on NPR Tonight
I was interviewed Friday for Sunday night's edition of "All Things Considered" (check your local listings). It is a story on military retirement benefits, and I am apparently one of several people they interviewed. I'll post the podcast when it is available.
The story is here, with a link at the top of the page to listen to the podcast.
The story is here, with a link at the top of the page to listen to the podcast.
The Payroll Tax Issue
Last year, President Obama and Republicans came up with one of their ridiculous bargains designed to show that the parties can "work together". In it, the "Payroll Tax" was cut by about a third, meaning that the revenue flowing into Social Security and Medicare was also reduced. This was--we were assured--a "stimulative measure", and it was one that was designed to make EVERYONE happy. For Republicans--who it is thought cannot pass up a tax cut--it hit them right in the wheelhouse. For Democrats, they could appear to be tax cutters by attacking the regressive parts of the tax system that EVERYONE (including a great number of their constituents that pay zero income tax) pays. This was a no-brainer for the Dems, as they could support it knowing full well that the resources available for Social Security and Medicare have very little to do with the payments from those programs--as we simply borrow and print money to make up the difference. The fact that two of the biggest entitlement systems in the country would be underfunded seemed not to matter to either the irresponsible Republicans who supported it or the irresponsible Democrats who supported it.
Now there is a debate on the Hill whether to extend the cut. The WaPost gleefully writes of a "split" in the GOP over the issue, as some in the party that likes to consider itself more fiscally responsible (with some evidence to the contrary) are troubled with continuing to underfund these entitlements. Dems would "pay" for them by raising taxes on "millionaires and billionaires" (you know, the ones the President vacations with at Martha's Vineyard and Oahu), and Republicans would "pay" for them by cutting spending elsewhere.
Friends, cutting payroll taxes is a ridiculous piece of political theater. Republicans are fools for letting themselves get dragged into this one, when the fiscally responsible path (letting the holiday expire) is the politically risky one. The President is already out there hammering Republicans for denying taxpayers $900 a year in these "hard times".
The hard, right thing would have been NOT to do the cut in the first place. Comprehensive reform is the path to savings in those entitlements, not starving them of resources that get put in by other means. Now that last-year's cut has achieved the status of "settled law", Republicans will get smeared if they continue to resist extending it. They should get behind the extension, but continue to hold the line on what pays for it. Bad strategy here, Mr. Boehner and Mr. McConnell.
Now there is a debate on the Hill whether to extend the cut. The WaPost gleefully writes of a "split" in the GOP over the issue, as some in the party that likes to consider itself more fiscally responsible (with some evidence to the contrary) are troubled with continuing to underfund these entitlements. Dems would "pay" for them by raising taxes on "millionaires and billionaires" (you know, the ones the President vacations with at Martha's Vineyard and Oahu), and Republicans would "pay" for them by cutting spending elsewhere.
Friends, cutting payroll taxes is a ridiculous piece of political theater. Republicans are fools for letting themselves get dragged into this one, when the fiscally responsible path (letting the holiday expire) is the politically risky one. The President is already out there hammering Republicans for denying taxpayers $900 a year in these "hard times".
The hard, right thing would have been NOT to do the cut in the first place. Comprehensive reform is the path to savings in those entitlements, not starving them of resources that get put in by other means. Now that last-year's cut has achieved the status of "settled law", Republicans will get smeared if they continue to resist extending it. They should get behind the extension, but continue to hold the line on what pays for it. Bad strategy here, Mr. Boehner and Mr. McConnell.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Ponnuru on Romney
National Review Senior Editor Ramesh Ponnuru has a piece in the latest National Review in which he declares for Mitt Romney, and in typical Ponnuru fashion, he backs it up with thoughtful writing. Ponnuru doesn't shy away from considering Romney's weaknesses, but in a comprehensive net assessment of the field, he identifies Mitt as the man for the moment. Ponurru echoes some things I've said here and elsewhere with a bit of solid thinking:
"On the other hand, there is also something to be said for calculation in a politician. Successful political leaders need to have a realistic sense of what public opinion, and the political system, will bear, a sense cultivated by the habit of calculation. And there is a limit to how much political risk conservatives should want a president allied to them to take. Most of the time conservative activists should be trying to reduce the risks of advancing conservative initiatives rather than to goad elected officials to political recklessness. Conservatives should, that is, point the way for ambitious politicians to advance good ideas that can command the support of a national center-right majority."
Ramesh has it right. The process will play out, and I don't think it will be a quick one. But in the end, Republicans will get in line behind Romney--because they don't want a second Obama term.
"On the other hand, there is also something to be said for calculation in a politician. Successful political leaders need to have a realistic sense of what public opinion, and the political system, will bear, a sense cultivated by the habit of calculation. And there is a limit to how much political risk conservatives should want a president allied to them to take. Most of the time conservative activists should be trying to reduce the risks of advancing conservative initiatives rather than to goad elected officials to political recklessness. Conservatives should, that is, point the way for ambitious politicians to advance good ideas that can command the support of a national center-right majority."
Ramesh has it right. The process will play out, and I don't think it will be a quick one. But in the end, Republicans will get in line behind Romney--because they don't want a second Obama term.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Have You Contributed to Romney for President Yet?
Let's get going, folks! Just a month until Iowa....got to get off to a good start. Donate to Mitt Romney for President here, check the block indicating that you "know my referrer's information".
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Ann and Mitt |
Big Fat Friday Free For All
Well folks, it's that time of the week again. That 13 year affair got you down? A little worried those photos of you and Nancy Pelosi are gonna keep showing up? Well--unburden!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Here's One Problem Solved

As I'm sure you're aware, this was a terrible problem in the time of the Reagan/Bush takeover. It abated for the most part with Bill Clinton's wise and considered stewardship of our great nation, but came back with a vengeance during the Bush II regime.
Now under the awe-inspiring leadership of President Barack Obama, burdened by the most trying of circumstances not of his making, the problem has been definitively and decisively eradicated. One need only watch our ever diligent network news to draw this incontrovertible conclusion.
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