Tuesday, September 20, 2011

David Brooks Really Wants to Believe

Poor David Brooks. The self-described 'Obama sap' really wanted to believe. He wanted to believe he was a different kind of politician, one who could move beyond the 'stale ideological debates.' He wanted to believe he was going to 'break out of the conventional categories.' He still foolishly believes the President wants to do something about the country's structural problems. To this day, he believes in the governing style Obama talked about in 2008.

Alas, the light has dawned on Mr. Brooks. His column today captures well his angst.

I'm trying hard-and failing mightily-to feel his pain.


Mudge said...

If you ever watched the show Arrested Development, you'll recall the character, Tobias Funke. Tobias was a flamingly gay man trying desperately but unsuccessfully (to everyone but himself) to mask his gayness. It was hilarious to watch. David Brooks is a flamingly liberal man trying desperately but unsuccessfully (to everyone but himself) to mask his liberalness. It is painful to watch.

Anonymous said...

Just remember, with certain trees, "The sap runs every four years."

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