Monday, October 13, 2008

Scruples Question of the Week

Would you like to know the precise date and time of your death?


Mudge said...

Already know it. My wife and I celebrate it every year and I get in a lot of trouble if I forget it.

Goldwater's Ghost said...

I did the classic, "spit take" with my coffee this morning when I read this.

Great answer.

Anonymous said...

I would want to know so that I could say goodbye to my family and friends and let them know that I'm going to be OK.

Doc Milnamo said...

If we threw in knowing the method of your death, would that change anything?

Goldwater's Ghost said...

Doc - Hmmm...I'm not sure, are you suggesting so that you might be able to prevent it some how?

As in, if you knew you were going to die in an airplane crash you would swear off flying. If that's the case, then no, method of death is not part of the question.

Thairish said...

How about knowing how so that if it were particularly gruesome that one could warn off any loved ones? I would prefer to save my family and friends from having to witness me come to a violent end. In the professional sphere, with such foreknowledge, I could draft the appropriate SITREPS for my shipmates to save them several hours of work in the aftermath.

All that having been said, I would want to know, but I wouldn't tell anyone until the day before. Having experienced the emotions leading up to a 6-mo Navy deployment, I suspect anticipation of this ultimate deployment would be magnified several hundredfold.

Smoothfur said...

Why not? I thought I knew when and how it was going to happen within a few minutes back in 1972 in Laos and had accepted the fact that I was going to die. But obviously it did not happen. Come to think of it, with the condition of our country today, if it were not for the happy ensuing years of marriage to my wife and the joy of seeing my son grow, mature and become the man he has become I would have oppted for it to have happened then.

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