Renee Ellmers needs some financial help in her quest to take a NC House seat away from
Bob "Who are You" Etheridge. Apparently, the powers that be in the Republican caucus didn't do so hot in supporting her campaign, and now she's likely to face a recount. Time to lawyer up--time to
stroke those checks.
Thanks CW. I'm sure everyone is diving for their checkbook.
This is kind of an interesting story. To qualify for a recount the margin must be less than 1%. Well it wasn't, until all of a sudden votes were "found". The board of elections has a plausible explanation but even still the timing is suspect.
But the real story is NRCC. When asked for help they told her to take a hike, as they've done throughout her campaign. They backed slower horses in this election so I guess they just don't like the woman. She's a teaparty girl so that must be it.
That picture looks like a scene from one of those movies CW used to watch on Friday nights alone in his UVa dorm room.
Good one Mudge!
Yeah I can see that.
"Where's the pain Mr. Jones... what was that? Zip...flop. "Ohhh Mr. Jones"!!
Since I too am in the second congessional district of NC and Renee is my girl, I sent what I could. Thanks for the link.
She is pretty cute. Once again showing we get the attractive ones while the Democrats get the ones who look like they were smacked in the face with a bag of nickels.
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